Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome to 2010!

Another year has arrived and everyone has hopes for a great year ahead. A lot of people make New Years Resolutions and they really stick with their plans for a few weeks or maybe a few months and then their efforts just seem to disappear. and I'm guilty of this as well, so that's why, a lot of years, I don't even bother with New Years Resolutions. No point in making them if you can't keep them. Then yesterday I read this blog by Donald Miller  "Living a Good Story, an Alternative to New Years Resolutions" He talks about making stories out of what you want do this year instead of making goals. You're really still making goals, but in a slightly different and hopefully better way. So I have made up a few stories of my own, and we'll see how this works out. 
No matter how these "stories" work out for me, I have a feeling 2010 is going to be a great year! I'm exciting about getting it started, about shooting a lot of great images and continuing to work with some Wonderful people and meeting/working with new people.
This will be an exciting year!

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